- convenience products
- марк. = convenience goods* * *Маркетингтовары повседневного спросалегкодоступные, дешевые и широко рекламируемые товары, которые часто и охотно покупают потребители
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Convenience Valet — Type Private Industry Product repackaging, convenience products services, distribution Founded … Wikipedia
Convenience store — in Lund, Schweden Ein Convenience Shop (auch: Convenience Store, Nachbarschaftsladen) ist eine Betriebsform im Einzelhandel. Hierzu zählen kleinflächige Geschäfte, deren Sortiment eher hochpreisig, schmal (d. h. wenige Warengruppen werden… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Convenience Shop — Convenience Store in Lund, Schweden Ein Convenience Shop (auch: Convenience Store, Nachbarschaftsladen) ist eine Betriebsform im Einzelhandel. Hierzu zählen kleinflächige Geschäfte, deren Sortiment eher hochpreisig, schmal (d. h. wenige… … Deutsch Wikipedia
convenience — con‧ve‧ni‧ence [kənˈviːniəns] adjective convenience foods/meals/goods food products that are made and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use: • the growth in sales of frozen convenience meals see also flag of convenience * * … Financial and business terms
convenience store — ☆ convenience store n. a small store, often franchised, offering a limited selection of food and household products and staying open for longer hours at a convenient location … English World dictionary
Convenience store — Party store redirects here. For the Dirtbombs album, see Party Store (album). Corner shop redirects here. For the British band, see Cornershop. A convenience store, corner store, corner shop, commonly called a bodega in Spanish speaking areas of… … Wikipedia
Convenience food — Jarritos soda A rack of convenience foods … Wikipedia
Convenience Good — A consumer item that is widely available, purchased frequently and with minimal effort. Because a convenience good can be found readily, it does not require the consumer to go through an intensive decision making process. Examples of convenience… … Investment dictionary
convenience store — A store that trades primarily on the convenience it offers to customers. The products stocked may be influenced by local tastes or ethnic groups and the stores are often open long hours as well as being conveniently placed for customers in… … Accounting dictionary
convenience store — A store that trades primarily on the convenience it offers to customers. The products stocked may be influenced by local tastes or ethnic groups and the stores are often open long hours as well as being conveniently placed for customers in… … Big dictionary of business and management
convenience goods — /kən vi:niəns gυdz/ plural noun ordinary everyday products that people have to buy but which command little or no brand loyalty ● Price competition is very fierce in the convenience goods market … Marketing dictionary in english